Thursday, June 30, 2011


Bishop Smylie is coming for his annual visit to St. Paul's this weekend and while I am excited to meet him, I am a little stressed over all of the preparations that must be done. I need to clean, and I mean really clean my house...after all I don't want him to see how we really live! He doesn't know me, doesn't love me like my friends and family do, so it is important to make a good impression right? To be honest, I don't think it would matter if my house was a pig sty, smelled of animals, cigarette smoke and teenage BO....

I am not nervous about meeting him. Probably the number one reason why I love the Episcopal Church so much is that I have never met a group of people that are so welcoming, accepting and non-judgmental. Now don't get me wrong, every church in every city of every state has those people that judge, but I have been to a lot of different churches of different denominations and every Episcopal Church I have ever set foot in has been welcoming. I am not posting this to bad mouth other denominations so if you are going to comment about your religion and how I am full of shit, please keep it yourself. I am speaking of my own personal experience and the love I have for the Episcopal Church.

I think that we all judge at one time or another, but I honestly do try to meet people and get to know who they are. In the eyes of God, we are all worthy of His love, all worthy of taking communion, all worthy of prayer and all worthy of forgiveness. I am thankful everyday that He is the one to judge me and my family.

So, as I get ready to meet Bishop Smylie, I am so very thankful to belong to the church that I do. I have the best church family that anyone could ask for. They accept me; my faults, my tattoos, my talents, and my love. I cannot imagine a life without them. They have helped me through the spiritual valley that I have been in for over a year. I am slowly, clawing my way to the top, but it has been a long hard road.

Welcome to my home Bishop Smylie, step over the dirty socks, underwear, trash and clutter and make yourself at home.

“Accept one another, just as Christ also accepted us to the glory of God.”
Romans 15:7

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