Monday, June 13, 2011

Father's Day

Father's Day is quickly approaching. I used to be so wrapped up in what the kids and I were gonna do for Rich that I would have to remind myself that I too had a dad that I needed to get something for. This year is completely different. I have been consumed with the thought of this being the first father's day without my dad! I remember last year getting him some new pants, a shirt and a really soft cozy blanket. Ya I know a blanket in the middle of June? He was always cold. He would sit in the living room with a blanket, would always have the heater on in the car, and liked his bedroom to be about 80 degrees. It used to drive Rich and I insane when he would sit in the kitchen in the morning having coffee with the oven turned on and the door open to heat up the kitchen!

It's funny that now, I would give anything to have him here doing those things that drove us crazy! I would be happy to sit in his room sweating if I could talk to him one more time. I would gladly use the oven to heat the kitchen if it meant sharing one more pot of coffee. Unfortunately, this is not possible. So, for now I focus on the memories I have of my dad and the wonderful, simple moments that we spent together.

This coming Sunday is Father's Day. If you are lucky enough to have your father in your life, take the time to tell him you love him, if possible hug him a little tighter, make time to call or visit because life is precious and way too short and you never know when it will end.

Happy Father's Day Dad! I love you and miss you! So, until we meet again...keep the oven on...

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