Friday, July 1, 2011

Are You Kidding Me?

So this morning I got on FB like I always do and saw a link that one of my friends had posted. A "reporter" had gone out to the beach in So. California and was asking people why we celebrate the 4th of July. As I'm watching this video, I go from laughing to actual disgust and anger. I am sitting there amazed that so many people had no idea why the 4th of July is important! Now, let me point out that it wasn't just teenagers, there were people as old as my parents, people my age and younger. One guy even had the nerve to say that when he thinks of the 4th of July, he doesn't think of patriotism! Really? Well guess what douchebag? I'm sure that all of the soldiers that have died over the years for your sorry ass just to give you the right to be stupid are really happy right about now.

As I am watching this, my son comes upstairs to go to work. So I decide to ask him,

Me: "Matthew, why do we celebrate the 4th of July?"
Matthew: "Because its Independence Day"
Me: "Yay! Our independence from who?" (Now he's looking at me like I have gone insane)
Matthew: "Britain"
Me: "YAY!!!"

I was very excited that he knew which shows me that all of those history lessons with grandpa paid off. My dad loved history which is where I get my love for it too. We would have long conversations about it and I was always flabbergasted by the knowledge he had in that brain of his. He always talked about how he was uneducated and should have finished college, but that he just hated school so much and quit to go back home and marry my mom. Although he didn't have a degree, my dad was one of the most educated people I know. He educated himself. My older brother is the same way. Alan has the same love for history that I do and I always call him first when I have an historical or political question. Alan would have been an excellent history teacher. He would have been one of those teachers that makes learning fun and his students would have wanted to be in his class. History wouldn't have been boring. Which brings me back to Matthew, he had a social studies teacher in 8th grade that he really liked and therefore enjoyed the class and worked hard.

My oldest son, Josh, just finished his junior year of high school and had an amazing history teacher. I was or should say am so pleased with his knowledge of history. I think a lot of people think that history is boring and I remember hating it when I was younger, but looking back it wasn't the history I hated , but the way it was taught.

When I was finishing my degree, I had to take a public speaking class (which after listening to people speak in public over the years, everyone should have to take one. But that's a different rant for another day) Anyway, I don't even remember the topic. I think it was supposed to be a persuasive speech and this girl started speaking about how war is wrong. Then as she is stammering and blabbing on making very little sense, she makes this profound statement...

"All war is wrong. Killing is wrong. Well, uh wait, I guess not all war is wrong, cuz what was that war? Hmmm...what was it called again? Oh ya the silver war. That is the only war that was okay because slavery is wrong. Nobody should be allowed to do that to people. People shouldn't be owned or forced to do things they don't wanna do. But that is the only war that is okay. All other war is wrong."

Really? WTF? I think YOU should be FORCED to take a history class. I remember coming home and telling my dad and he just shook his head in disgust. That became a running joke over the last few years of his life. The silver war...I was always taught in school that the Civil War was all about slavery (or that's what I remember because the slavery issue was so emphasized) I remember a long afternoon with dad where he set me straight on that one!

So, as you celebrate July 4th by drinking beer, having a BBQ, and blowing shit up, please take a moment to think about WHY our country celebrates it. Why we have the freedoms that we do. Think about all of the men and women that have sacrificed their time, months, even years away from their families; and especially those that gave their life so that WE can have the amazing freedoms and wonderful lives that we do. This is truly the greatest country in the world. Do we have problems? Sure we do! But overall I cannot imagine a better place to live in.

I am very patriotic and love my country. I get that from my mom. My brother always said that she was the Marine Corps mom without the Marine Corps son. I know that Monday she would be flying the flag, wearing her patriotic clothing, and humming God Bless America while preparing food for the massive BBQ we would be having. And she definitely knew why we celebrate the 4th of July. I am sure that if there is a celebration in Heaven, she will be there with her hand over her heart, tears in her eyes, and loudly singing God Bless America!

So, please enjoy the 4th! Celebrate! Have a great time! And remember...alcohol and fireworks can be a deadly combination. Never let the drunk guy light the flaming fountain! (Have I ever told you that story?) hahahaha

God Bless America!!! Let freedom ring!!!

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