Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ode to my Spawn

My kids are the light of life. I cannot imagine life without them. I thank God for them everyday! So in honor of them, I give you............. ODE TO MY SPAWN......

Josh is the oldest at almost eighteen.
Next year he will enter the college party scene!
Wyoming or Utah where will he go?
Whatever his choice, he'll do awesome fo sho'!

Matthew is next, the one with the charm.
His antics have caused him bodily harm.
He is loving and loyal, to his friends he stays true,
But if you mess with his loved ones, he'll come after you.

Sam's in the middle he loves pranks and jokes,
always messes around and tries to fool folks!
He loves to play sports, always up for a chase.
Yesterday at soccer he scored a goal with his face!

Gabby, the only girl what can I say?
She loves all things girly, but football she'll play.
Many brothers she has by love and by blood.
If any boy tries to get near her his name will be mud!

Michael the youngest is the spoiled baby boy.
His love for reading brings me great joy.
He loves his cousin Grant more than you know,
And very very rarely hears the word NO!

I love these five kids with my heart and my soul.
Raising them right is the most important goal.
They make me laugh and cry and rip out my hair.
I am fiercely protective, so mess with them? I wouldn't dare.