Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Family

I have finally decided (ya I've known this for a long time) that my family is dysfunctional, inappropriate, crazy, and sometimes disturbed, but I love them with every fiber of my being and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world!

I have always wanted a big family. I had a family that I was very close to when I was in my early 20's. There were people in and out of that house all the time. We never knocked on the door, helped ourselves to whatever was in the fridge; made ourselves at home. I knew that was how I wanted my house to be someday. A place where my kid's friends were comfortable, a home away from home. I am very happy that my home is that place. There are usually, at least, 10- 12 kids (counting my own) at my house at any given time. I love it! I love how friends will come over even when my kids aren't here. They sit and talk or grab something to eat. They have become our extended family. They will carry in groceries, sweep the floor, take the trash out, etc. I treat them like I treat my own... There have been many times when Rich and I have gotten up to have coffee early on a Saturday morning and as I am stepping over sleeping bodies in the living room, I will ask, "Who the hell is that?" to which Rich replies, "I have no idea."

Now, those of you who know me, know that I am not the "Leave it to Beaver" mom...I am not the "Brady Bunch" mom...I am more like Roseanne...

I love to tease my kids. In fact there is a lot of teasing that goes on in this house. I have a mouth like a truck driver (not proud of this, but its me, take it or leave it). I love to laugh! Sometimes the laughter comes from something being said that is totally inappropriate, but its funny!

Let me correct that...most of the time the laughter is from something completely inappropriate! My kids know that they are loved beyond measure! Through all of the joking and teasing, they know that there is nothing I wouldn't do for them. They know that I will always have their back. They know that they can come to me about anything and we will work it out. They know that I will always be their biggest fan.

Josh will be a senior this year. He plans to go to college next fall, so it looks like we have about a year left with him at home. You know what this means right? Yup, you guessed it. We are running out of time to give him shit! To tease him! We better get busy!

Anyway, if you are not familiar with my house and decide to stop by one day, there are a few things you should probably know.
First off, and this is probably the most important, DO NOT RING THE DOORBELL! Nobody rings the doorbell. Everyone walks in.

The second thing you should know is that our house is lived in. It is not spotless. It looks like a lot of people are in and out of here daily. If clutter bothers you, then you probably shouldn't come over.

Number three: Make yourself at home. You will not be given special treatment. If you are hungry or thirsty, get it yourself. I will not wait on you. There are too many people in this house for em to do that and like I said earlier, I am not June Cleaver.

I wouldn't change my family for anything in the world. We may be dysfunctional, but we are a family that loves each other, supports each other, argues, fights, and teases. They may be crazy and inappropriate, but you know what? They are MINE! And I love them with all that I am and all that I have. They are my greatest accomplishment! They are my biggest success!

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