Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Trial of the Year

Yesterday a jury in Florida found Casey Anthony not guilty of the murder of her two year old daughter, Caylee. Minutes after the verdict was read, there were feelings of shock, disgust, anger, and elation (mainly by the defense team). It is important to point out that not guilty and innocent are not the same thing. Not guilty can mean that the jury believes the defendant, but it can also mean that the case was "not proven". I am in no way going to bad mouth the jury of this trial. It would be very hard to be on jury where I am responsible for determining the life of a young woman. Regardless of what my gut told me, I would have to abide by the law.

As I was watching the news yesterday, an alternate juror was speaking to a news reporter over the phone. He stated that the prosecution never gave them a motive as to why she would kill her child. The body was also badly decomposed and little evidence was found. Had they found the body earlier, maybe things would have been different. It is very difficult to win a case with circumstantial evidence and little to no hard proof.

Regardless, all I know is that Casey Anthony did not behave like a mother who had a missing child. I think this is the main part of this whole situation that is so troubling to me. I once lost Sam at Disneyland for about 30 seconds. In those 30 seconds, I was completely panicked and about to have a nervous breakdown! 30 SECONDS!!! This little girl was missing for 30 days before Casey Anthony told anybody. During those 30 days, she lied about her daughter's whereabouts, partied with friends, got a tattoo... If your daughter was missing, wouldn't you report it immediately? "Hmmm...I wonder where Caylee is? Maybe I'll go get drunk and give her some time to find her way home." Holy shit lady she's not a puppy! "Well, she's still not home, so I think I'll go get a tattoo." Finally, she admits that Caylee is missing and then its one bullshit lie after another.

As a mother, I would die for my kids. I would kill for my kids. Not kill as in "my daughter didn't make the cheerleading squad so I'm gonna murder the girl's mother who did", like that crazy bitch in Texas a few years back. But as in, if my kids were in grave danger, I would have no problem. I have two very big fears (besides skunks). The first one is losing one of my kids. I would never get over it and it would destroy me. My biggest fear is that one of my kids would go missing and I would never know what happened. Not knowing if they are alive, not knowing where they would be unbearable. This is where I have the huge issue with Casey Anthony. Your daughter is "supposedly" missing and you don't tell anyone? Your choice was to party and have a good time? Who would do that? She knew exactly where her little girl was. Now I am not here to say whether she killed her or not, but I do believe she knows exactly what happened to little Caylee.

The trial is now over, the jury has made their decision and more than likely, Casey Anthony will walk out of the courtroom Thursday morning a free woman. Free to sell her story to the many organizations anxiously waiting to offer her large sums of money. And, people will be waiting to buy the book, watch the made for TV movie in the hopes of finding out what happened to this little girl. Well, we will never know what really happened. Not only has Casey lied repeatedly, but so has her family. What would be nice is for everyone to walk away and not give this family anymore media attention, but let's face it that is never going to happen. I can say that I will not put one penny towards a tell all book or even a magazine article.

May Caylee Marie Anthony rest in peace. She did not die in vain because one day someone will have to answer for what they did. I am so sorry that the people that should have protected you didn't. I am so sorry that justice has not been served because whoever harmed you is walking free. I am so sorry that you will never grow up. I am so sorry that you will never experience the wonderful things life has to offer. And I am so sorry that you were not loved and cherished the way you should have been. Fly with the angels little are gone, but may you never be forgotten.

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