Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Maybe Chik-Fil-A Should Stick to Chicken

It has been a really long time since I have posted something on my blog. Life always seems to be too busy to be able to sit down and write for a few minutes. I am making the time to write today because I feel the need to express my opinion (and after all it is MY blog so I am allowed to do that) about this whole Chik-fil-a nonsense!

So, Chik-fil-a has decided to express their First Amendment right and state that they believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. I have heard how both sides feel about this. Numerous postings on facebook have told people to boycott Chik-fil-a, while others have stated that Chik-fil-a is just exercising their First Amendment right. Through all of this my main question has been...What the hell is Chik-fil-a doing getting into the same sex marriage argument anyway? Don't they sell chicken? How in the hell does same sex marriage afffect their chicken business?

For that matter, how does same sex marriage affect heterosexual marriage? I am happily married. I have been for 17 years. If my neighbors (who are two women in a committed relationship with each other) are finally given the okay to marry, how does that affect me? It doesn't. It doesn't change the way I feel about my husband. It doesn't change the 17 years we have been together. It doesn't affect my marriage in any way.

Chik-fil-a has a right to state that they do not support same sex marriage. The problem I have with statements like these is that they are judgmental and derived from hate. I have a problem with hate. Now before you start quoting the Old Testament, and tell me that it states right here in Leviticus whatever..blah, blah, blah... let me point out to you that it also states that you shouldn't eat shrimp, or pork, that you can stone your wife for adultery and that a man shouldn't be around a woman when she's on her period! I don't think in all my years of going to church and listening to church readings did Jesus ever say, "Hate your neighbor." No folks, it was just the opposite. Jesus preached love and tolerance. So I think I will follow Jesus on this one. Do you honestly think that Jesus would turn his back on someone because they are homosexual?

We are given the right of free speech by the First Amendment, but before you spew your hatred and intolerance (even though it is your right to do so) think about the feelings of others. We are all human beings. Human beings need to love and be loved in return. Why does it matter where that love comes from? The loving God that I believe in and pray to on a regular basis would never want one of His children to be without love.

In writing this blog, I was not trying to persuade you to think one way or the other. My main goal was to get people to think before they said or did hurtful things to someone else because they do not agree with who they have fallen in love with. There is so much hatred in this world. We should embrace love and be thankful for it. And we should, every single day of our lives, strive to be kind.

Be kind. Be kind. Be kind. Be kind.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Maybe this will help? I doubt it.

These past few weeks have been exceptionally hard for me as I have sat and watched my son go through some pretty tough things emotionally. As a mom, it is my job, my responsibility, my duty, and I believe my God given right to protect my kids from any kind of harm. With that being said, I have stayed out of certain circumstances and kept my mouth shut when every fiber of my being is telling me it is time to step in and defend my child (although I must say, he did just fine defending himself and I am extremely proud of that).

Now, I need to explain a few things. I have kept my mouth shut not because I am afraid or timid. I have remained silent because I do not want to make the situation worse for those involved. This silence has led to extreme anger that has been building over time. I know that if I do not vent, this anger is going to build up and explode like some super volcano destroying everything in its path, which is why I thought I would write about it; hoping that this will help. So far, not so good. Just getting angrier as I type.

I am sure the day will come when I have the chance to say what I feel. Until then, I am here for my son; listening when he needs to talk, giving advice when asked, hoping that his confidence and self esteem has not been broken by some condescending, closed minded, snobbish, middle aged person. I hope he still knows that he is beautiful inside and out, that no matter what I love him and am here for him and.........this too shall pass because as my mom used to say...that which does not kill you makes you stronger...or as my dad would have said when Matthew was told he's not good enough....OH BALLS!